Super Robocos Expo 5th
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Rescue the Princess!
The monumental figure in the cosplay video world!
Even if you have never been to a cosplay venue,even if you have never actually been to Comiket,if you are interested in cosplay and have searched for videos, you may not have seen the video of "Rescue of the Princess".
At Comiket, Katsukon, Tokyo Game Show, and Niconico Chokaigi, this person's video is one of the most sensible and story-oriented videos.
I hear voices of joy and envy, many cosplayers said, "I want to be Shooted by Rescue the Princess someday" and "My cosplay was included in Rescue the Princess's video!" .It has been decided that Rescue of the Princess will be shooting the Super Robovos Expo this time.
Anyway! First of all, subscribe to the channel!